IELTS Reading (What is IELTS Reading test, structure of test, test marking, Reading tips, how edge overseas helps students with this test)
Duration and Format
The Reading test takes 60 minutes. There are 40 questions, based on three reading passages with a total of 2,000 to 2,750 words. You will receive an answer sheet, and a reading test booklet with the passages and questions in it. Each passage will be on a different topic. All answers must be entered on an answer sheet during the 60 minute test. NO EXTRA TIME is allowed for transferring answers.

Reading Tips
It is important to use your Reading tips so that you are able to answer the 40 questions quickly and accurately in the allocated time (1 hr). The skills that will help you complete the tasks include:
- Skimming: - Looking for general information.
- Scanning: - Looking for specific details.
- Distinguishing: - Between opinion fact or assumption.
- Differentiating: - Between main ideas and examples.
- Identifying: - The topic idea or sentence in a paragraph.
- Identifying:-Factual information.
- Understanding: - The writers viewpoint.
- Recognizing: - Ways of linking ideas sentences and paragraphs. E.g. cause an effect language, time sequences, comparison and contrast.
Edge Overseas helps students in the reading test by ensuring they follow the below reading strategies:
First read through the questions quickly and follow instructions carefully
- How many words and/or numbers do you need to write, Does the question asks to write True or Yes, False or No, Can you use any letter A, B or C more than once, How many answers do you need for 1 mark.
- What sort of questions are they (multiple choice, sentence completion, labeling a diagram, matching)?
- What are the Keywords in the questions? Do you know any words with a similar meaning (synonym), an opposite meaning or can you paraphrase the meaning? This will help you to focus when skimming or scanning a text to locate the area where you will need to find your answer.
- How many questions are there?
- If you cannot answer a question, or it is taking you a long time, leave it and come back to it when you have looked at all the questions in that passage. Chances are you may find it while looking for the answer to another question.
- Write your answers straight on to the reading answer sheet. You are not given extra time to transfer your answers. Copy your answers carefully. Spelling counts!
- Leave no empty answers. Even if you are running out of time and may not finish all the 40 questions, leave a minute at the end to make quick guesses. Maximize your chances.